Ce Contrat a été accepté entre les parties mentionnées ci-dessous selon les dispositions et conditions indiquées ci-dessous.

A.'A-list wear' : (désigné ci-après comme "LE VENDEUR")

B.'ACHETEUR' : (désigné ci-après comme "L'ACHETEUR")


Raison Sociale A-list wear
Adresse --
Téléphone +905377781230
Adresse E-mail
Adresse de Retour -


Nom et Prénom
Adresse %alici_adres%
Téléphone %alici_tel%
Adresse E-mail %alici_eposta%


Méthode de Paiement %odeme_tur%
Montant de la TVA %siparis_kdv%
Montant Total à Payer (TVA incluse) %siparis_toplam%
Adresse de Livraison %alici_adres%
Personne à Livrer
Adresse de Facturation %fatura_adres%


A-list wear




En acceptant le présent contrat, L'ACHETEUR reconnaît et accepte préalablement que s'il confirme la commande objet du contrat, il s'engage à payer le prix de la commande et les frais supplémentaires tels que le montant de la commande et, le cas échéant, les frais d'expédition et les taxes, et qu'il a été informé à cet égard.


Dans l'application et l'interprétation du présent contrat, les termes ci-dessous auront les significations indiquées à côté d'eux.

MINISTRE : Le ministre du Commerce et des Douanes,

MINISTÈRE : Le Ministère du Commerce et des Douanes,

LOI : La Loi sur la Protection du Consommateur n° 6502,

RÈGLEMENT : Le Règlement sur les Contrats à Distance (JO: 27.11.2014/29188),

SERVICE : Tout acte de consommation autre que la fourniture de biens en échange d'une rémunération ou d'un avantage,

VENDEUR : La société qui offre des biens au consommateur dans le cadre de ses activités commerciales ou professionnelles ou qui agit en son propre nom ou pour le compte de quelqu'un d'autre,

ACHETEUR : La personne physique ou morale qui acquiert, utilise ou bénéficie d'un bien ou d'un service à des fins non commerciales ou professionnelles,

SYSTÈME : Le logiciel du VENDEUR,

CLIENT : La personne physique ou morale qui demande un bien ou un service au VENDEUR via le système,


CONTRAT : Le présent contrat conclu entre le VENDEUR et L'ACHETEUR,

BIEN : Tout bien meuble objet de la transaction et les biens incorporels tels que le logiciel, le son, l'image et autres préparés pour utilisation électronique.


Le présent Contrat régit les droits et obligations des parties en vertu de la Loi sur la Protection du Consommateur n° 6502 et du Règlement sur les Contrats à Distance, concernant la vente et la livraison des produits dont les caractéristiques et le prix de vente sont indiqués ci-dessus, que L'ACHETEUR a commandés électroniquement via le système appartenant au VENDEUR.

Les prix annoncés et affichés sur le système sont des prix de vente. Les prix et les promesses annoncés sont valables jusqu'à ce qu'une mise à jour ou un changement soit effectué. Les prix annoncés pour une période déterminée sont valables jusqu'à la fin de la période spécifiée.


4.1. Les caractéristiques essentielles du produit/produits (type, quantité, unité) sont disponibles sur le système appartenant au VENDEUR. Si une campagne est organisée par le vendeur, vous pouvez consulter les caractéristiques essentielles du produit concerné pendant la durée de la campagne. Valable jusqu'à la date de la campagne.

4.2. Les prix annoncés et affichés sur le système sont des prix de vente. Les prix et les promesses annoncés sont valables jusqu'à ce qu'une mise à jour ou un changement soit effectué. Les prix annoncés pour une période déterminée sont valables jusqu'à la fin de la période spécifiée.

4.3. Le prix de vente total, toutes taxes comprises, du bien ou du service objet du contrat est indiqué ci-dessous.

4.4. Les frais d'expédition du produit, le cas échéant, seront payés par L'ACHETEUR.


Nom et Prénom
Adresse %fatura_adres%
Téléphone %alici_tel%
Adresse E-mail %alici_eposta%

Invoice Delivery : The invoice will be delivered to the invoice address along with the order during order delivery.


6.1. The BUYER acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that it has read and is informed of the basic qualifications of the product subject to the contract, the sales price, the payment method, and the preliminary information regarding delivery on the seller's system and has given the necessary confirmation in the electronic environment. The BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes that it has correctly and completely obtained the address that should be given by the SELLER before the establishment of the distant sales contract, the essential characteristics of the products subject to the order, the prices of the products including taxes, and the payment and delivery information.

6.2. Each product subject to the contract is delivered to the BUYER or the person and/or organization at the address indicated by the BUYER within the period indicated in the preliminary information section on the system, provided that it does not exceed the legal period of 30 days depending on the distance of the BUYER's place of residence. If the product cannot be delivered to the BUYER within this period, the BUYER has the right to terminate the contract.

6.3. The SELLER accepts, declares, and undertakes to deliver the contractual product completely, in accordance with the specified qualifications, with accurate and sufficient information and documents, in accordance with the legal requirements, in a solid and standard quality, and in accordance with the principles of integrity and honesty, to maintain and increase the service quality, to show the necessary attention and care during the performance of the work, and to act with prudence and foresight.

6.4. The SELLER may provide a different product of equal quality and price by informing the BUYER and obtaining explicit consent before the expiration of the performance obligation arising from the contract.

6.5. If the SELLER cannot fulfill the obligations arising from the contract due to the impossibility of delivering the product subject to the contract, it accepts, declares, and undertakes to notify the consumer in writing within 2 days from the date of learning this situation and to return the total price to the BUYER within 14 days, excluding the delivery (shipping) fee.

6.6. The BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes that if the product subject to the contract is not paid for any reason or the payment made in the bank records is canceled, the SELLER's obligation to deliver the product will be terminated.

6.7. If the product subject to the contract is delivered to the BUYER after the delivery to the BUYER or the person and/or organization at the address indicated by the BUYER, and if the product subject to the contract is paid by the unauthorized use of the credit card belonging to the BUYER by unauthorized persons, within 3 days, provided that it is not a perishable foodstuff, it will be returned to the SELLER at the expense of the BUYER.

6.8. If the SELLER cannot deliver the product subject to the contract within the period due to the occurrence of force majeure or other exceptional circumstances that prevent or delay the fulfillment of the contractual obligations, it accepts, declares, and undertakes to notify the BUYER. If requested by the BUYER, the order will be canceled, the product subject to the contract will be replaced with a similar product, or the delivery period will be extended until the obstacle is removed. If the order is canceled by the BUYER, the amount paid in cash will be refunded to the BUYER within 14 days. In payments made by credit card, the product amount will be returned to the bank within 14 days after the order is canceled. The reflection of the returned amount to the BUYER's accounts after being refunded to the credit card by the SELLER depends entirely on the bank transaction process, and the BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes that the SELLER cannot be held responsible for possible delays.

6.9. The SELLER has the right to contact the BUYER via letter, e-mail, SMS, telephone call, and other methods for communication, marketing, notification, and other purposes through the address, e-mail address, fixed and mobile phone lines, and other contact information provided by the BUYER during registration to the system. The BUYER, by accepting this agreement, acknowledges and declares that it may engage in the above-mentioned communication activities.

6.10. The BUYER will inspect the product/service before taking delivery; it will not receive damaged and defective products/services, such as bruised, broken, torn packaging, from the shipping company. It will be assumed that the product/service received is undamaged and intact. The obligation to protect the product/service with care after delivery is the responsibility of the BUYER. If the right of withdrawal will be used, the product/service should not be used. The invoice must be returned.

6.11. If the holder of the credit card used during the order is not the same person as the BUYER, or if a security vulnerability related to the credit card used in the order is detected before the delivery of the product, the SELLER may request the BUYER to provide identity and contact information of the credit card holder used in the order, the credit card statement for the previous month, or a letter indicating that the credit card belongs to the cardholder from the bank. Until the BUYER provides the requested information/documents, the order will be suspended, and if the said requests are not met within 24 hours, the SELLER has the right to cancel the order.

6.12. The BUYER accepts and undertakes that the personal and other related information given by the BUYER during the membership to the SELLER's system is accurate and that it will compensate all damages that the SELLER will suffer due to the inconsistency of this information with the truth, upon the first notification of the SELLER, immediately, in cash and at once.

6.13. The BUYER undertakes to comply with the provisions of the legal regulations and not to violate them when using the SELLER's system and not to violate them. Otherwise, all legal and criminal liabilities arising will belong solely to the BUYER, and the BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes this.

6.14. The BUYER cannot use the SELLER's system in any way for any purpose contrary to public order, against general morality, disturbing and harassing others, and for an unlawful purpose, violating the material and spiritual rights of others. In addition, the member cannot engage in activities that prevent or make it difficult for others to use the services (spam, virus, Trojan horse, etc.).

6.15. Links to other systems owned and/or operated by third parties and/or containing other content can be provided through the system owned by the SELLER. These links are placed to facilitate the redirection of the BUYER, and they do not support the system or the person who operates it and do not imply any guarantee for the information contained in the linked system.

6.16. The member who violates one or more of the articles mentioned in this contract will be personally liable for this violation in terms of legal and criminal liability, and will indemnify the SELLER from these violations and their legal and criminal consequences. In addition, in case the incident is referred to the legal field due to non-compliance with the membership agreement, the SELLER reserves the right to claim damages from the member due to non-compliance with the membership agreement.


7.1. In the event that the remote agreement is related to the sale of goods, the BUYER has the right to withdraw from the contract without assuming any legal or criminal liability and without showing any reason, provided that it notifies the SELLER within 2 (two) days from the date of delivery of the product to itself or to the person/organization at the address specified. However, this right cannot be exercised if the service is started to be performed with the consent of the consumer before the end of the withdrawal period. The expenses arising from the exercise of the right of withdrawal belong to the SELLER. By accepting this agreement, the BUYER acknowledges and declares that it has been informed in advance about the right of withdrawal.

7.2. The right of withdrawal can be exercised by notifying the SELLER in writing by registered mail, fax, or e-mail within 2 (two) days, and the product must not have been used within the scope of the provisions regarding "Products for which the Right of Withdrawal Cannot Be Used" as set out in this agreement. In case this right is exercised,

a) The invoice of the product delivered to the 3rd party or to the BUYER (If the invoice of the product to be returned is corporate, it must be sent along with the return invoice issued by the institution. Order returns for which an invoice is issued in the name of institutions cannot be completed without the ISSUED INVOICE.)

b) Return form,

c) The box of the products to be returned, the packaging, and, if any, the standard accessories must be delivered intact and undamaged.

d) The SELLER is obliged to return the total amount and the documents that put the BUYER under debt to the BUYER within a maximum of 10 days from the date the withdrawal notification reaches the SELLER and to take back the product within 20 days.

e) If there is a decrease in the value of the goods due to the fault of the BUYER or if it becomes impossible to return the goods, the BUYER is liable to compensate the damages of the SELLER in proportion to the BUYER's fault. However, the BUYER is not responsible for changes and deteriorations caused by the proper use of the product or item within the right of withdrawal period.

f) If the use of the right of withdrawal causes the campaign limit amount set by the SELLER to fall below, the discount amount used within the scope of the campaign will be canceled.


Single-use products prepared in accordance with the BUYER's request or clearly for personal needs, perishable goods or goods with a risk of imminent expiration, products unsuitable for return for reasons of health or hygiene if unsealed by the BUYER after delivery, products mixed with other products after delivery and inherently inseparable, the return of which is not possible due to being opened by the BUYER according to the Regulation. In addition, the exercise of the right of withdrawal for services that have started to be performed with the consumer's approval before the end of the withdrawal period is also not possible according to the Regulation.

In addition, the packaging of the product purchased by the BUYER must be unopened, undamaged, and unused for the product to be returned.


If the BUYER defaults on payment made by credit card, the BUYER acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that they will pay interest to the cardholder bank in accordance with the credit card agreement between them and be liable to the bank. In this case, the relevant bank may apply to legal remedies; request the expenses and attorney's fees from the BUYER and in any case where the BUYER defaults on the debt, the BUYER acknowledges, declares, and undertakes to pay the damages and losses incurred by the SELLER due to the delayed performance of the debt.


In case of disputes arising from this agreement, complaints and objections will be made to the consumer problems arbitration committee or the consumer court at the place where the consumer resides or where the consumer transaction is made, within the monetary limits specified in the relevant law. Information regarding the monetary limit is as follows:

Starting from 01/01/2017, for applications to consumer arbitration committees for the year 2017:

a) District consumer arbitration committees for disputes below 2,400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Liras,

b) Provincial consumer arbitration committees for disputes between 2,400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Liras and 3,610 (three thousand six hundred ten) Turkish Liras in metropolitan cities,

c) Provincial consumer arbitration committees for disputes below 3,610 (three thousand six hundred ten) Turkish Liras in non-metropolitan city centers,

d) District consumer arbitration committees in non-metropolitan districts connected to non-metropolitan cities for disputes between 2,400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Liras and 3,610 (three thousand six hundred ten) Turkish Liras.

This Agreement is made for commercial purposes.


When the BUYER completes the payment for the order placed via the System, it is deemed that the BUYER has accepted all the terms of this agreement. The SELLER has made the necessary software arrangements to ensure that this agreement is read and accepted by the BUYER in the System before the order is placed.







A-list wear
